Founding Language contributes to the international success of its customers. Our translation and localization services often make the difference in attaining international objectives.

About Us

The greatest business successes are often achieved internationally. Working in the in the global economy adds a fascinating aspect to your work, but does add the complexity of having to work within different trade cultures and languages. Founding Language supports companies across the globe in reaping the benefits of their international operations. We achieve this by optimizing, translating and localizing their content and documents in any possible language.


The larger physical distance between you and your foreign customers and stakeholders, means that their impression of your company is much more determined by what they read. Every text you present to them, online, digitally or printed, therefore becomes a critical instrument for your international growth and success. Founding Language helps companies to offer their foreign target audience information in their own language and local trade standards, to optimally resonate with them.


Each department within your company has its own expertise and communicates internationally to attain different objectives. Your personal consultant at Founding Language has a fundamental understanding of the relevant expertise, content and objectives of every unique text. This enables him or her understand your needs and seamlessly instruct our translators, copywriters and industry experts in over 40 countries to deliver the documents that help you to achieve your goals.


In addition to working for many renowned organization in our domestic Dutch market, Founding Language also services customers in 12 other countries which include the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, France, South Africa and Sweden. Many of our customers are multinationals that operate in dozens of countries, while we also regularly support smaller experts who often excel at innovation and experience rapid international growth.


Text is our core business, but we’re well-aware that to you, it’s only a tool to achieve your goals. Our business model is therefore entirely shaped around your objectives, with an individual approach for the various areas of expertise in the commercial, operational and facilitating segments of your company. Our work is governed by highly optimized processes, enablings us to deliver high-quality work, tailored to a great variety of customers, industries and areas of expertise.


Our website offers a general introduction to the value we can add to your organization, and the methods and approach we use to achieve that. Nothing however, beats a personal experience. We therefore invite you to engage with us in a free pilot, to experience and evaluate how we can make the difference for the international growth and success of your organization.


Experiencing is believing, right? That’s why we invite you to experience our value for yourself; free of charge, no strings attached. In three simple steps, our pilot offers you a great impression of how we can boost your international communication. Impressed? Then we’re happy to talk business. Ready? Here we go: